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Gold Cube Thermo Flare Tail-Gater (w/ BLACK thermoform)

Gold Cube Thermo Flare Tail-Gater (w/ BLACK thermoform)

Regular price $169.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $169.00 USD
Sale Sold out

The Tail-Gater flare is a GREAT way to extend the tailings from your gold cube away from the stand. Also, as an indicator to when your cube needs to be cleaned up if you see any gold on the discharge of the cube. No more cube base eroding away by spilling directly on its feet of the stand & washing away your base.

Plus, anytime you change slope & flow rate you have the chance of capturing gold that for some reason is slipping thru the system. Also, if your pushing volume you can see when you're ready for a cleanup in just a glance at the thermoform trailing the cube.

Can also be used as a bucket flare w/ out the thermoform from us.

But if you already have a thermoform sluice & a cube, well you're in business w/ the Tail-Gater.

  • 16 Ga aluminum w/ gold metal flake powder coat
  • 2x 3/8"x18 long aluminum legs w/ rubber boots to adjust your sluice angle.
  • 2x shaft collars w/ thumb screws to set adjustment
  • 1x black 6'x22" thermoform sluice
  • Cube or cube stand NOT INCLUDED in this kit.


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